I was thrilled when I received a call from Channel News Asia (CNA). They wanted to interview me on Singapore Tonight the next day. It was a surprise and I felt super nervous about it. All my family members and friends were very excited and many of them stayed up to watch the news! I am honoured to be able to do the interview together with Mrs Wong Boh Boi, Assistant Director of Thomson Medical and also a well known Lactation Consultant. Anyone who is pregnant and do a little bit of research in Singapore, will be aware of her presence. When I gave birth in Thomson Medical Hospital, I kept seeing Mrs Wong on tv. She is like the Zoe Tay of Mother’s channel hahaha.. So you can imagine the excitement I felt when I met her! Here’s some behind the scenes of the interview at SPH Caldecott. It was a great experience. Oh by the way John and Dawn were very assuring, they definitely helped to calm my nerves by constantly reminding me to relax 🙂 I was really fun to see them report news while we sit beside them waiting to go live.
I am very glad that our art is being recognised and I hope it has spur some companies to take some sort of actions. Every attempt, no matter how small, to increase support for expressing mums counts! Actions as simple as installing a curtain or providing a dedicated small fridge for milk storage is a great start. I received a recent message from a mum who needed to quit her job in order to continue her nursing journey 🙁 I really hope there will be less of such cases soon. It is really sad to see mothers put into such distress and forcing them to make extreme decision like this. It’s like either you quit your job or you quit nursing. I believe with some adjustment to the mindset of people, we can definitely do better. Let’s see!
I am very glad that we managed to reach out and inspire many mothers out there. Thank you for your sweet messages and words of encouragement. Press on mummies! Motherhood is tough but you are tougher! Continue to love and stay positive!!